CVT Audi installation instructions
After the transmission is installed it is important that you follow exactly the procedure otherwise the transmission will NOT run or transmission damage will occur!
Relearning procedures are very important on CVT that substitute a clutch inside the transmission for a torque converter. If relearning procedures are not performed after any repairs, drivability problems and transmission failures will absolutely occur. Be aware that these procedures exist and that they must be performed.
To refill the transmission you need to have the proper tool or you build your own refill tool Audi not only has a clutch relearning procedure, but also a special procedure for changing the fluid. All four wheels must be off the ground a minimum of 8 in., and each wheel must be able to be rotated freely by hand. While observing the Tiptronic indicator, step-shift the CVT from its lowest ratio to its highest (six or seven speeds), accelerating moderately after each shift but never exceeding 35 mph. Shift the transmission back down to 1st gear and gently apply the brake until the wheels come to a stop. Once the wheels are stopped, place the transmission in Reverse, release the brake and moderately depress the accelerator to a Reverse gear speed of 12 mph. Once again, gently apply the brakes until the wheels come to a stop. Return the selector lever to Drive and repeat these steps five more times. When completed, place the selector lever in Park and turn the engine off. Now you're done, place the vehicle on the ground and now you are ready for the relearning process of reverse and forward adaptation.
TCM Software Check
check the Table below to ensure the TCM software is at the latest data level
Old software Part Number |
Old software version |
Previous Software part Number |
Previous Software Version |
New software Part Number |
New software Version |
01J927 156 CF | 2040 | 8E2910 155T | 2040 | 8E2 910 155T | 3400 |
8E0910155R | 3320 | 8E1910 155Q | 3350 | ||
01J927 156 CE | 2030 | 4B1 910 155S | 2040 | 4b1910 155 S | 3400 |
01J 927 156 FD | 3011 | 4B1910 155T | 3220 | 4B1910 155 T | 3400 |
4B0910 155 E | 3130 | 4B1910 156 | 3220 | 4B1 910 156 | 3261 |
4b0910 155r | 3320 | 4b0910 156 K | 3350 |
If The data level is lower, load the latest TCM software. For flashing use update CD # 8E0-906-961J and update the gearbox software via "Self Diagnosis"
>>02 Gearbox>> Update programming
First ! battery must have a minimum no load charge of 12.5 Volts.
Important to connect batter to a powered approved battery charger ( see Audi specification)
Turn off the Radio and all other accessories.
Use vehicle specific entry to Guided Fault Finding
All failure memories on the car must be erased.
Select 02-Multitronic 01J Complaint report >> Power train >> Bucking when Accelerating from A Standstill. Now follow instructions on screen.
After flashing the TCM you are ready to perform an adaptation drive.
Adaptation forward and reverse
Now adapt the transmission Control Module (TCM)
Engine needs to be running and the transmission Oil Temperature must be between 60 grad and 90 grads'. confirm that the ATF is at a minimum 65 grad by checking the MVB 10 position 3.
No fault codes stored in engine and transmission control module.
All driving and braking has to be done in partial load, avoid full throttle/braking!
Shift vehicle into D
Drive forward in part load approximately 33 feet, then apply brake pedal to a stop and continue to apply brake pedal for 10 seconds.
repeat two to three times.
Shift vehicle into R and release brake pedal
Drive backwards at part load approximately 33 feet, then apply brake pedal to a stop and continue to apply brake pedal for 10 seconds
repeat step my two to three times.
Now connect your VAG tool and select 02 transmission Now select Measuring Block-08 select Block 10 and Go
Watch the second field on the Block this has to change from "ADP RUN" to "ADP OK"
The procedure needs to be repeated at least 5 times but maybe more as 10 times until the measuring values show APD OK.
If the second Block show APD OK push Done, Go Back
Now connect your VAG tool and select 02 transmission Now select Measuring Block-08 select Block 11 and Go
Watch the second field on the Block this has to change from "ADP RUN" to "ADP OK"
The procedure needs to be repeated at least 5 times but maybe more as 10 times until the measuring values show APD OK.
If the second Block show APD OK push Done, Go Back
"ADP" is the abbreviation for adaptation. Adaptation means adapting to an internal specified value.
If for some reason the values don't switch to APD OK read the failure codes and this will tell you what the problem is. |